How can leaders use their time, talent and treasures long after leaving the C-suite? To help us answer this question, Dave Stockert joins Brandon on this week’s podcast episode to highlight the transition from CEO to board member along with the markers of a good board member and board chair.

2:00 Meet Dave and learn about his career journey. 

7:00 Lessons as a CEO and how to foster an engaged culture.  

9:45 It’s a challenging time to lead. What are leaders missing today? Dave talks servant leadership. 

12:30 Brandon and Dave discuss their connection to Frank Blake and his take on the inverted leadership pyramid. 

14:00 The transition from CEO to board member. “Get started. Find something to engage you; something you want to spend energy on.” – Dave 

17:00 There are two types of boards: working and advisory. Dave shares how to differentiate: 100+ people on the board is “advisory”; 10-12 people on the board is “working” (more hands-on). 

20:00 A word of advice: How many boards is too many to participate on? 

22:00 What makes a good board member? “Show up. Bring curiosity and energy.” – Dave 

24:00 What makes a good board chair? 

27:45 Dave’s leadership hack: “Leadership is a two-way street.” Ask: what do I owe those I lead as part of that relationship? 

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