As we reflect on 2024, Brandon and Randy examine the need for inspiration. Where does inspiration come from? How can we be more inspiring to others as leaders? Get ready to “breathe new life into” a new year as our co-founders offer tips for how to do this effectively and with excitement.
1:45 The manifestations of inspiration.
2:20 Randy offers a definition for inspiration: “When you are mentally stimulated to do or feel something.”
3:30 What does it take to put yourself in the place to be more inspired?
4:45 The word “inspiration” comes from the Latin word inspiratus meaning “to breathe into.”
6:45 Brandon highlights: it’s easier to be inspired when we practice self-care.
7:50 “Inspiration can come from both adversity and success.” – Randy
9:45 Randy shares examples of inspiration from others including his son, Alex.
12:30 Make it practical. Brandon explains the practice of creating a list for inspiration.
15:50 How can leaders be more inspiring?
17:00 Randy highlights the subtle and sincere practices of vulnerability, authenticity and acts of kindness.
19:00 How we choose to live life (especially in the face of adversity) can be inspiring.
20:15 “Hope and handles.” Brandon notes the vision a leader paints for their team and organization can be inspiring. Where do we want to go and how do we get there?
23:00 Sentence stems to inspire: “I believe in you. I’m proud of you.”
25:30 Feel like you’ve made a mistake? Randy shares another form of inspiration: acknowledge it and state what you’re going to do to correct it.
26:00 With honesty and transparency comes trust.
27:00 “Be the leader in the world that you need, that you would follow, that you think the world needs more of!” – Brandon
29:00 Brandon and Randy share their own “leadership hacks” for this special episode.
Show Resources:
- Books mentioned in show: Created for Greatness: The Power of Magnanimity.
- If you enjoyed this episode, check out our conversation on Six Ways to Step Into Your Best Self.
- Looking for additional guidance to drive leadership within your teams? Email: and
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