As leaders, how do we create a culture of accountability while effectively driving ownership within our teams? Co-founder, Brandon Smith, details the three-step process on this edition of the podcast.

2:20 Revelations from the hybrid office.

3:00 How does having six generations in the workplace impact accountability?

5:00 The #1 group impacted by a lack of accountability is your A-players.

6:00 Clarity is the first step to creating a culture of accountability. Your team needs to know what you expect.

9:00 Driving clarity on roles, what success looks like, and culture.

13:45 Taking the guesswork out of accountability.

14:30 The role of positive reinforcement conversations, psychological safety and Author vs. Editor.

15:45 Vulnerability is essential for fostering psychological safety.

17:00 The ratio of positive feedback.

24:30 How to protect the culture of accountability.

26:30 When your direct reports write the plan, accountability goes up by 50%.

29:00 “What are you going to do about this?” Those who miss the mark must take ownership of the solution.

Show Resources:

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