
The 3 C’s of Accountability

Accountability plays a big role when it comes to teamwork, ranging from tough conversations to achieving results. So today on the Leadership Foundry Podcast, we’re examining the 3 C’s of Accountability: Clarity, Communication and Candor. 2:00 Brandon references previous conversations [...]

2024-06-14T18:17:52-06:00June 10th, 2024|Leadership Foundry Podcasts|

Moving the Needle on Accountability

By Randy Hain A common and pervasive challenge with leaders I encounter each week is their frustration with the lack of consistent accountability from their teams. We acknowledge it is a problem, but we typically struggle to address it in practical and meaningful ways. Maybe [...]

2024-03-08T07:27:18-07:00April 17th, 2023|Work & Life Skills|
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